Career Goal

To become a well-known and leading professional in the field of digitalized accounting environment with innovative mindset, driving positive change and creating significant contributions to business growth and advancement of the society.

Career Objectives

Continuous learning and skill development:

  • Enhance the expertise in emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and quantum computing to adapt to the changes in working environment.
  • Obtain relevant certifications to stay updated

Innovative and situational leadership development:

  • Gain more experience in working cross-functional teams to identify different situations and come-up with effective solutions.
  • Encouraging new ideas at the workplace to improve the creativity and drive through the innovation.

Contribute to the positive social impact and sustainability:

  • Investigate opportunity for social good and environmental sustainability
  • Participate in volunteering activities and CSR activities

Career Plan

In my career plan, there are some steps to be taken in the areas for improvement.

Continuous learning:

  • Enroll in workshops, online courses, industry conferences to improve skills and knowledge
  • Set a sufficient time for self-study with new technologies

Development of situational leadership:

  • Investigate leadership opportinities in current role in my company
  • Get feedback from my supervisor at workplace for my tasks and duties

Networking and professional development:

  • Join professional associations and groups for new updates
  • Attend seminars and meetups to update about industry trends

Setting milestones and tracking progress:

  • Establish short, medium, and long term goals with assigned career objectives
  • Regularly assessment of my skills, knowledge and competencies with high self-awareness

Seeking mentorship and feedback:

  • Actively seeks feedback from my supervisor and top managment of the company
  • Establish healthy relationship with my mentors